English School Scalea

The English School Scalea is a site dedicated to an English school.

Elizabeth wanted to create a site that reflected the professionalism of the school that has been open since 1983 and was:

  • Easy and autonomous management with the ability to insert: new blog articles, images and text
  • Interactive map to make it easier for users to understand where the school is located
  • Chat service to receive messages from users through WhatsApp
  • Compatible with all devices
  • Quick so as not to discourage users in the course of browsing
  • Graphically curated and with nice photos to show users
  • Automatic site updates so you can easily manage the site without great computer skills

Given the demands, we opted for a very stable and easy-to-manage system, namely WordPress and a very high-performance hosting.

Regarding graphics, we recreated the logo and started from its colors; some photos were taken from subscriptions such as adobe stock and others were given by Elizabeth and enhanced through software such as Photoshop.

Are you curious to see our work? Browse www.englishschoolscalea.com